Saturday, March 26, 2016

Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry - National Natural Landmark

For years, every time we drive to Moab we see the sign for the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry and say "we should go out there sometime."  Well, this weekend we finally made it out to the quarry.  It is a pretty cool place out in the middle of desolate nowhere.  The quarry was named and protected as a national natural landmark as it contains the densest concentration of Jurassic dinosaur fossils ever found.  So far paleontologists have excavated over 12,000 bones from at least 74 individual dinosaurs.  Interestingly, more than 75% of the bones excavated are those of the carnivore Allosaurus.  Paleontologists are still mystified as to why so many bones are located here and why so many of them are juvenile meat-eating Allosauruses.  We hiked the Rock Wall Trail, Raptor Point Trail and the Rim Walk.  It took us about 2 1/2 hours to do all 4 miles of trail.  It is definitely worth checking out the museum and trails, especially if you like dinosaur stuff.

Location:  Cleveland-Lloyd is located about 32 miles south of Price, Utah, and is accessed on well-graveled roads from Highway 10 between Moore and Emery.

Three Stars ***

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