Saturday, May 10, 2014

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park - #6

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park has some great drifts of fine red sand that are fun to play in and to photograph.  This park is a favorite for ATV riders that love to ride the dunes, but we managed to get out early in the mornings or late in the evening for some quiet time alone in the sand.  The great sand dunes are created by wind that is funneled through a unique notch between the Moquith and Moccasin mountains.  As the wind funnels through the notch, the wind velocity is increased and pulls along with it grains of sand from the eroding Navajo sandstone.  As the wind reaches the open valley below the mountains, the wind velocity decreases, and causes the sand to be deposited. This process is referred to as the Venturi Affect.  Depending upon the changing winds, the sand drifts can move as much as 50 feet per year.  The dunes are estimated to be 10,000 to 15,000 years old.  
Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

Location:  Approximately 310 miles south of Salt Lake City and 22 miles west of Kanab on Sand Dunes Road.

Total Sites:  22
Stayed in Site:  21
Elevation:  6,000 ft
Date Created:  1963   

Three Stars *** (the dunes are beautiful, but the park is windy and popular with ATV enthusiasts)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fremont Indian State Park - #5

We have visited Fremont Indian State Park a number of times.  We usually open the camping season with a stay at this park.  It has a great private group campsite away from the main campground. Fremont Indian State Park was created during the construction of the I-70 freeway when excavations revealed significant indian artifacts and petroglyphs.  Further investigation revealed remains of the largest known Fremont Indian village.  The Fremont Indians lived in this area over 1,000 years ago and many remnants remain. There are some great petroglyphs on the matrix of trails above the Vistor's Center.  
Fremont Indian State Park

Location:  Approximately 180 miles south of Salt Lake City and 21 miles southwest of Richfield on I-70.

Total Sites:  31

Stayed in Site:  Group Site
Elevation:  5,900 ft
Date Created:  1987

Three Stars *** (although chilly in the spring, the park has some fun indian ruins, petroglyphs and hiking trails to explore)